Thursday, May 27

Home Depot Kids Clinic

Earlier this month the girls made these great flower planter at Home Depot. Princess A was able to do almost everything herself (I helped hold things together while she hammered.) Princess G needed a little more help but that was mostly because the wood was so hard. It was much harder to hammer the nails in than normally, she did almost all the hammering herself it just took a while.
When we got home the girls picked some flowers from our yard to give to Daddy for May day.

The next day we decided to paint the flower planter and a bird house from lst year (we could not find the butterfly housed to paint so they will have to wait for another day.) First they started painting on the ground, I set down some newspaper and game them some garden kneeling pads.
Eventually I remember the table and chair someone gave me through
The girls enjoyed the painting and when the planter and bird house were done they started painting on huge pieces of paper (I saved packing paper and gave it to them.)
They both had just so much fun, they can waiting for another big painting days.

1 comment:

  1. I've always wanted to try one of those Home Depot Kids Clinics! It looks like they are a lot of fun!


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