As I mentioned our school district does not allow Halloween so instead they have a Fall Fest outside of school hours where the kids dress up in costumes!
Here are the girls at the entrance to the Fall Fest. We showed up about 15 minutes after it started and they already had a huge line.
Before we hopped in line to get our carnival pass ($2 per child to play each game once) we stopped for this great photo opportunity.
The first game we found was for fishing.
They each won a bracelet.
Next was the ring toss where they won a little hopper thing.
At the next game you picked two ducks at a time until they matched and then you won a little airplane.
Princess G actually knocked down one of the milk bottles at this game. The girls are showing off the sticky spiders they won.
We then did the cake walk which you did over and over and over until you won a little snack cake. Princess G finally won on our 'last try' so of course we had to stay until Princess A won.
On the next round I was about done and I looked up and said under my breath "Please pick number 21." 21, the number she was on was called, either my prayer was answered or the high schoolers running the game took pity on me because she finally won!

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