Thursday, January 27

Punflaykids App Review

My darling husband bought me an iPhone for Christmas and I have been having fun trying out apps for the first time. I started out with free ones since if your don't like them you only wasted the time to download them. I have a few games for myself but even more for my little princesses. I think they like my phone even more than I do! Whenever we are in the car, waiting somewhere or just because they want to play with my phone. Just today Princess G came in my room while I was cleaning and asked if she could play a game on my phone. I told her she could and she picked Mathomatix: Measurement and played until it was time to pick up her sister. The app has 5 games: Crazy Clock, Scale Tale (which they have not tried yet), Fill Me Up (you drag objects such as sand to fill-up to containers and then answer which has more), Long and Short (Princess G favorite, you pick the longest or shortest, she loves laughing at the really long candy cane, worm and others), and Action Months (Princess G's 2nd favorite, you drag the letters of the month and when you catch all the letters for the month does an action such as dancing or swimming.)

I was also able to review two other apps: Who will rule? (an interactive story) and Mathomatix: Alzebra – Time for fun with Algebra! The girls listened to the story Who will rule? and did not seem that interested (and I did find the child's voice reading the story a little annoying, I would of preferred and older child or adult). A few days later Princess G started listening to the story over and over. She really likes that during the story (she always picks the Read to Me option) that she can touch the illustrations and they do something (she really likes when the ray darts away and the puffer fish puffs.) The same thing happen with the Mathomatic: Alzebra the first time they played it they did not seem to excited but later I found Princess G playing the games a lot. Princess G really likes all of the games but Princess A not so much. She likes the games but unless I specifically ask her if she would like to try them she prefers to play something else. Of course Princess A is 7 and is advanced in reading (currently 6 grade level) and math. I think that the three apps from Punflaykids are perfect for kids 4 to 6 years old, or at least my five year old. The games are perfect for her, fun, not too hard, a little easy and silly. Do you have a great app I should check out, for my kids or myself?

This post was written for Family Review Network & PunflayKids who provided the complimentary product for review in exchange for my honest opinions.

1 comment:

  1. For any of your readers interested, I'm giving away two codes:
    We enjoy Punflay's apps a lot!!


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