Monday, May 25

Taking a Blog Break

I am taking a week off from blogging and the Internet. Once back I will have to share pictures of the girls first major league baseball game. It was so much fun!!

Sunday, May 24

Silly Games

The girls were asking me what kinds of games I played in my Grandmother's pool. We then recreated it here. One person puts their leg up and the rest crawl through.
Each time everyone passes through the opening gets smaller until someone touches the leg and then they are it. We used to play this all the time in the summer. (Much easier in a pool!)

Then the girls wanted to play 'roller coaster.'
They lay on my lower legs while I try and shake them off.
Their favorite is when I put my legs up really high.

Saturday, May 23

Daisy Trip to Fire Station

Princess A was so excited to visit the local fire station. It was the first time either of the girls had been to a fire station. Last year Princess A's Pre-K class went on a day we were out of town.

Of course Princess G went and Daddy too.

Princess G got her turn in the driver's seat.
The firefighters who gave the tour actually were from a different station. A number of calls had come in that morning and the firefighters of that station were out on a call. The other station was nice enough to come over so the Daisy troop did not have to miss their tour.


Mamapedia is a great resource for moms. It is a search engine for questions moms have. I searched for information about 'growing pains.' Both of the girls have growing pains on occasion and lately Princess G has been having them quite often. I wanted to see if other moms had some suggestions. One suggestion was a banana a day for the extra potassium. I will have to try that. Mamapedia is real moms asking question and real moms answering with what worked for them. It is also fun to just look through the questions and see how they have been answered. A great resource for those mom questions we all have.

Thank you Mom Central for this review opportunity

Friday, May 22

Watching Baby Worms

The girls just love when I find worms in the garden. As soon as I find them they like to put them in the wheelbarrow. They like to add grass, some dirt and rocks so the worms have a home. Princess G had so much fun just watching her 'baby wormy' (the first one I found was very short, hence a baby). I later found a longer one that the girls said must be the mommy. Princess G felt she could ride her bike once we found the mommy worm since it would watch the baby now. Later we put the worm family back in the garden. Worms really are their favorite part of gardening, though they still will not touch them.

Thursday, May 21

Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches Review

Besides Fat Free Milk and Low Fat yogurt (it is so hard to find full fat yogurt) I don't do low fat food. I prefer the real stuff. Tuesday I tried the Skinny Cow Mint Ice Cream Sandwich and it was so yummy. I could not tell that it was low fat at all. The ice cream was creamy and the chocolate was so tasty. I really could not taste the difference between the Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches and the ones we usually buy. I also tried the Cookies 'N Cream version. It was wonderful but I have say the Mint is my favorite, Of course that might be do to the fact that Mint Chip Ice Cream is one of my favorite flavors!! I would recommend the Skinny Cow Ice Cream treats to anyone, if you are watching what you eat or not. Next I will have to try some of their other ice cream treats, Cones, Dippers and Fudge Bars.

Thank you Mom Central for this review opportunity

Wednesday, May 20

Wordless Wednesday: My Flower Girl Nightgown

Princess A is wearing her favorite nightgown and matching robe. The same nightgown and robe I wore as a flowergirl in my Aunt's wedding when I was about her age.

Tuesday, May 19

Princess A, Roller Skating for the First Time

Princess A went roller skating for the first time with her Daisy troop.
She had so much fun!!

First we skated together (I was the only Mom to skate the whole time) but after a little while she wanted to skate by herself. She slowly made her way around. She had fun until a little boy she did not know tried to say "Hello." She skated with me the rest of the time, even during the kid race. At the end of the race all of the kids won a lime green slushies.

Princess a had so much fun and can't wait to go back.

Monday, May 18

Make it Monday: Books

Princess A loves making books. I usually take two or three sheet of paper, fold in half and staple twice on the fold (near the top and bottom). Princess G loves making books too! Princess A draws all of the pictures in her book and sometimes dictates the story to someone to write down. Other times she just remembers the story and loves to read them over and over. The girls make so many books they each have a library of the books they have written. I sometimes checkout some of their books but I have to make sure I return them in time or I get in trouble (I can't check out any new books from them.)


Canus Goats Milk Lotion Review

As soon as the Canus L'il Goat's Milk lotion (the product line for babies) arrived Princess G couldn't wait to try it. I barely got it open and she wanted to put some on. Princess G very carefully put lotion on any body part that was not covered with clothing (besides the face which she is not allowed to put lotion on). Princess A put some on and said that she liked it. I left the rest in their bathroom. Princess G has put it on at least once a day if not more. I always know when she has but it on because of the light scent. When I first smelled the lotion it was so familiar but I couldn't remember where I had smelled it before. Then it hit me: goat's milk. It smells faintly of goats milk which makes sense, it is made from goat's milk. Princess G's skin is softer and she just loves slathering the stuff on. Princess A has also been using the Canus L'il Goat's Milk lotion and she has been itching less I believe because her skin is not as dry.

Thank you Extraordinary Mothers for the opportunity to do this review!

Winner of Evenflo Breast Pump

Congratulation to Amanda of Baby Giveaways and The Family Loop!! She is the winner of the Evenflo Breast Pump. I sent you an email, please respond within 48 hours. Thank you for all of those you voted for my girls. We were so close but came in second.


I got the girls' haircut and I got a lot cut off. I really, really don't like going to the hair salon, for myself or the girls. I am not sure why, well maybe it stems from the time my Mom left me in the hair salon to get my haircu t, I hated it and started to cry. That is the reason that when I finally do go, after putting it off for way to long, I always get cut a little more than I want. Just so it will be a bit longer before I have to go back.
The girls do look so cute and their hair is so much easier to brush!

Sunday, May 17

Helping at School

Princess G and I are still helping in Princess A's Kindergarten class every Monday. Princess G knows everyone, she even greets the principal by name. Princess G usually spends her time in the play kitchen, painting, doing worksheets with the rest of the class and her favorite thing to do, play dough. Princess A loves having us there and is a little sad when we don't stay to help. We only have a few more Mondays, I am looking forward to summer but I will miss Mondays.

Frigidaire Launches New Appliance Collection

Frigidaire's recently released "Motherload Index" revealed that moms spend most of their waking lives - 200 hours each month doing activities they they don't enjoy such as washing dishes, doing laundry, taking care of pets and such. (The Frigidaire Motherload Index is based on an online consumer index fielded nationwide to 1170 US females, ages 25 - 50, who are married and have 2+ children in the household by NPD. ) I know it is true. Right now I have too many loads of laundry to even count. Frigidaire wants to help Moms by freeing up some time to do something fun. Frigidaire has come out with a new line of appliances which take less time so therefore Moms will have to spend less time cleaning. I started thinking of how I would use all that free time. I would read more, practice cake decorating, start knitting and crocheting again, take a nap and I must admit more blogging. What five things would you do with your extra time?
Enter your five things in this questionnaire for a chance to win a suite of NEW Frigidaire appliances!
Frigidaire is also hosting a Daily Dare. Log on every day for a chance to win a Frigidaire Affinity Laundry Collection. I would adore a new set of Frigidaire appliance and not just because they would save me time but they are so pretty too. Hey if we Moms will see them everyday why not have something beautiful and functional?

Thursday, May 14

Fancy Nancy Tea Party

Our library had a Fancy Nancy Tea Party. I found out about it over a month ago and we have been waiting and waiting. The girls couldn't wait for the party. They poured apple juice from a real tea pot into real tea cups. They also had mini marshmallows in place of sugar cubes. Of course that meant the girls put the marshmallows in their apple juice. A very nice array of cookies was also available, doesn't it look so sweet.
My girls had a few of each kind, yummy!
A local company, that hosts tea parties in people homes, was the sponsor. The owner came around and gave the girls a few pointers in etiquette.
Notice Princess A has her pinkie up, well sort of.

Next the girls listened to the librarian reading Fancy Nancy and the Posh Puppy and Fancy Nancy's Favorite Fancy Words. Which are two of my girls' favorite books.Lastly they each got to make their own tiara (fancy for crown) with five jewels each, very fancy!!
A perfect party for some very posh princesses.

Wednesday, May 13

New BabyLegs Cool

I am a huge fan of BabyLegs. My girls adore the supersoft ones. Princess A even wears them to Kindergarden. Well BabyLegs has a new type BabyLegs Cool: From their website:
New BabyLegs® Cool! designs with UPF protection of 50+ feature a lightweight single-ply mesh design. BabyLegs® warmers protect soft knees from harsh surfaces, make diaper changes a breeze and potty training easier. BabyLegs Cool! debuts in a florescent rainbow of colors such as cherry red, sun kissed orange, and daisy yellow and make a bright and fun baby shower gift

What a great way to protect those arms and legs from the sun, especially babies less than six months old (you can't use sun screen on them yet). I can't decide which BabyLegs Cool is my favorite, the Daisy or the Jubilee. Which one is your favorite?

Monday, May 11

Make it Monday: Binoculars

Princess A learned about being careful with our natural resources at her last Daisy meeting. Part of that is reusing what you have. At the end of the meeting the girls got to take home stuff and make them into whatever they wanted. Princess A picked lots of empty toilet paper rolls. Princess G decided to make them into binoculars.
She used a sheet of stickers we picked up at the fair (all of them are about lambs.) The stickers were nice and long and thin. I held the rolls together while she used the stickers to hold them together. She then used Disney Princess stickers to make it extra pretty. After she made one for herself she made another for her sister. I wonder if she remembered the set Princess A made in school last fall.


Thursday, May 7

Mother's Day Diamonds

The girls wanted to use their Princess Arts and Crafts kit. After going through it they decided to make diamonds with Popsicles sticks. Princess A wanted to make them extra pretty with the glitter glue. Princess G made mommy and baby worms/snakes on hers (the second one). Princess A then asked me "Mommy, do you think a mommy would like a sparkly diamond like this for a present or something?" Then when Daddy got home (and I was 2 feet away) she showed him "Here is Mommy's present we made for Mother's Day. Do you think she will like it Daddy?" Last night she made me something at her Daisy meeting. This morning she told me it was a tissue box with paper inside but that she couldn't tell me what they read. The gift she made me at school I helped her make. They came home today and she told me not to look at the wrapped gift so I won't know what's inside. Too funny. She can never keep a surprise. When ever she has a gift for a person she always tells them everything but one detail, as if that one detail is what will surprise them. My husband's gift to me will stay a surprise if I can sign for it without looking at the return address when FedEx tries to deliver it again. (I was only gone from the house 20 minutes and that is when they tried to make the delivery!)

Tuesday, May 5

Wordless Wednesday: Sisters and Tulips

I just love this picture of the girls.
I have the same one from three years ago.
I would so appreciate it if you would click here and vote for PHOTO #10
(Easy, one click vote. The poll is on the right sidebar).

Monday, May 4

Giveaway: Butterfly Cake Mold

Photo #10 (Please vote for my girls' photo, poll on right sidebar)

Hello, my blog is mostly an online journal about my life with my two silly little princesses, Princess A who just turned six, and my little Princess G who is three.

I love being silly (like hunting for leprechauns) with my girls and having fun. I have also been doing some reviews and giveaways. I plan on another giveaway soon so I hope you will come back.

Now for the giveaway! I am giving away one Butterfly Pull Apart Cake Mold. Seen on the right. The picture on the left is an example of a cake made with the cake mold.

To enter:

  • Vote for your favorite Photo (#10) here , the poll is on the right sidebar (very easy, one click, no registering)
  • UPDATE the photo poll is closed so just make a nice comment about how cute my girls are. :)
  • Please include the current number of votes listed in the poll for Photo #10 .
  • If your email is not easily available on your blog please leave it in your comment.
  • US addresses only
  • The contest will end May 10 at midnight PT.

Extra Entries:

  • Follow my blog (2 entries)
  • Blog about giveaway with link to this post (2 entries)
  • Please leave a comment for each entry.

For more great giveaways visit Mom Most Traveled and Ultimate Blog Carnival on LiveGiveaways.Com

Friday, May 1

Giveaway: Comfort Select Performance Breast Pump

I nursed both of my girls. Whe you nurse your babies you become their only food source and then mom is always on call. Pumping your own breast milk means that someone else can feed your baby sometimes. Before we moved we lived near my Mom and since I pumped my husband and I were able to go out for a few dates. We saw Terminator 3 and on another night we went out to dinner. I personally never had a problem nursing in public but a friend did. She would pump so that when she went out she could feed her baby without actually nursing in public. Evenflo has launched a new and improved breast pump, the Evenflo Comfort Select Performance Breast Pump.
From the Comfort Select Performance Breast Pump site

  • All components, including milk storage bottles are without BPA and contain less than 0.01% phthalates.
  • Improved cycle time for more effective milk expression.

  • Improved vacuum performance at all settings between min and max

  • Regulated power adapter ensures consistency in performance.

  • Dual motors for better production allowing individual settings

  • Includes 2 additional overflow valves for additional convenience!

  • Valve color is a lovely lavender.

  • More stable bottle stands to prevent possible spillage.

I have an Evenflo Comfort Select Performance Breast Pump to giveaway to one very lucky reader.

To enter:

  • Please leave a breastfeeding tip or a funny nursing story.

  • If your email is not easily available on your blog please leave it in comment.

  • Continental US only (I have to pay for shipping).

  • The contest will end May 17 at midnight PT.

Extra Entries:

  • Vote for Photo #10 , the poll is on the left sidebar (3 entries)
  • Follow my blog (2 entries)

  • Blog about giveaway with link to this post (3 entries)

  • Please leave a comment for each entry.

Mom Central has a special web page dedicated to the Evenflo Comfort Select Performance Breast Pump where moms can share breast pumping tips. Every mom that shares a tip will be entered in a giveaway to win one of three Evenflo Comfort Select Performance Breast Pumps! Hurry, the giveaway ends May 4.

My tip would be to relax when you nurse. With Princess A my arm was always tense and tight against my body. I was always getting blocked ducts. Once I relaxed my arm and left a little room between my arm and body I stopped getting blocked ducts.

(For more great giveaways visit Mom Most Traveled and Ultimate Blog Carnival on LiveGiveaways.Com)

Thank you Mom Central for this review and giveaway opportunity.

KaBOOM! List and Find Playgrounds

Now when I first heard the word KaBOOM I thought it was going to be a cleaning product sold by that guy that yells. I love his commercials! Instead it is even better!! KaBOOM is a great site that list play spaces for kids that are rated by other Moms. What a great way to find play spaces in your own area and when you are traveling. I know when I first move to an area it is hard to know where are the great places to take your kids. Even harder is when you are on vacation or visiting friends and family that don't have kids. What I also love it that they have pictures of the play spaces. It really helps to know if your kids would like that particular play space by getting a look at it. I know I had a hard time finding a playground with a swing when we first moved here, since then I have found a couple but it took a while!

KaBOOM is trying to list 10,000 play spaces in 100 days. For every play space entered into the KaBOOM! database on behalf of the Mom Central team (that is the team I am on), $1 will be donated to Jumpstart, a non-profit that brings at-risk preschool children and caring adults together to improve literacy. I have a whole list of playgrounds I will be adding, I just have to remember to take a picture. So what are you waiting for I know you have a great list of places you take your kids to. Click on over to KaBOOM to add them!!

Thank you Mom Central for this opportunity to share KaBOOM.