Saturday, January 30
Princess A is a Finalist, Please Vote!

Friday, January 29
Jumping Birthday Party

Princess A and the birthday girls were in the same kindergarten class for the first 2 months and this year they are in the same first grade classroom.

Thursday, January 28
Girls Scout Cookie Orders!
We took one of the few daytime slots. I hope for her sake we sell at least 64 boxes but I doubt especially since she has to split the sales with another brownie so they really would need to sell 124 boxes in 2 hours.
Tuesday, January 26
Wordless Wednesday: Parfaits

Please vote for #11. Be Helfy (Healthy)!
Monday, January 25
Out to Dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory

Sunday, January 24
Princess and the Frog Movie

The girls love when Daddy takes us because he always buys them a popcorn and lemonade to share.

General Mills Reduce Sugar in Kid Cereals

Saturday, January 23
Fairy Tea Party and Lincoln Logs

Friday, January 22
School Presentation

Chicken Soup with Rice--January
In January it’s so nice,
While slipping on the sliding ice,
To sip hot chicken soup with rice.
Sipping once, sipping twice,
Sipping chicken soup with rice.
--Maurice Sendak
Princess A did great, she made eye contact with audience, did not talk too fast and used a nice clear voice.

Here is Princess A' teacher, she just loves her. I think Princess A was most upset that she would not get to see her all day. Princess A loves her teacher and likes knowing what is going to happen. Together with her teacher we thought that the changes in class might be what was upsetting her. Her teacher talked with the whole class yesterday about the changes and how everything would work. It did the trick. Princess A happily announced yesterday, when I picked up from school, "I don't feel nauseous at all!" Hopefully the next six weeks will go well.
Thursday, January 21
Art in the Mall

Wednesday, January 20
Adventures of Meno Review

You can also try to win this set of books and a oh so cute Meno blanket (I so wish I could win the Wishi blanket) at Catch the Drift with Mama Snow.
Wordless Wednesday: Dressed as Twins
Tuesday, January 19
Be Helfy! (Be Healthy)

Princess G (age 4) wanted to draw a picture too!
As only one drawing can be entered this picture is not for the contest. Princess G wanted me to post it with her sister's and I did not have the heart to tell her her picture could not be entered too.
Monday, January 18
Tacoma Art Museum

Photographs are not allowed in the actual museum but let me tell you it was wonderful. The museum is not very big but it was the perfect size for the girls. We saw all of the exhibits (we missed a few in the drawers but saw all of the ones out) in about 45 to 50 minutes. I loved the glass and the impressionist paintings the most. I love the Renoir of two girls. I have seen other ones of the same subjects but not this particular painting. Princess A loved "Ballet in the Park" by Everett Shinn. I tried finding a poster of it to hang in her room but no such luck.