The girls dressed themselves in 'Easter' clothes. Here they are right after the Easter bunny was spotted leaving our house. They are waiting for Daddy to get the video camera ready.

As soon as they came down the stairs they found the Easter baskets the bunny left out for them and some little surprises. After looking them all over and showing each other the same things it was time for the Easter egg hunt!

We stopped by Micheal's the day before so they each had a new decorated bucket to help in the Easter egg hunt (I usually hide so many eggs they don't fit in their baskets!)

Princess G filled her basket and had to finish with her new decorated bucket. Princess A was still trying to squeeze a few eggs into her bucket, they kept falling out, before finally switching to her Easter basket.

I really do hide a lot of eggs. Last year after Easter I did go through the eggs and donate some so it is less than last year. As soon as the egg hunt is over they like to open them up see the surprises. I did not buy any Easter candy this year (I kept putting it off) but I apparently had enough in my candy stash to fill all of the eggs. (Is it bad some of the candy was from Halloween and Valentine's Day, though none was obviously from those holidays?)

I filled the eggs with M&Ms, Now&Laters, Pez, bubble gum and Tootsie Rolls!

After our hunt we decided to try something different for Easter breakfast, we went out to eat. The girls wanted to take along their new stuffed animals.

We decided to try a diner/cafe a little ways from our house. We have been driving past it since we moved here and always meant to try it out. We finally did.

This is going to be our new breakfast place. The food was really good, well the omelet was a little greaser than I like (still yummy) but I won't have that again, but the rest was so yummy. Also the food was much cheaper than our old breakfast place and I might add much faster too!
With all of the stuff going on in my family I did not feel up to creating the normal Easter feast (ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, rolls, salad, asparagus and pie all from scratch). I felt a little bad not doing my usual big feast but my darling husband insisted I just relax. So for dinner I made
Turkey Corn Chili, a Rachel Ray 30 minute meal (I make it with less tomatoes, and no jalapenos or Cayenne pepper sauce). It was still yummy and so much faster to make. I did miss all of the yummy leftovers though.
All in all it was a wonderful and very relaxed Easter.
I hope you had a wonderful Easter too!
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